
The only thing constant in life is change.

– Heraclitus

Progress and growth are not achieved without change. Most change does not happen without first, recognizing a problem or need, then seeking education to mitigate the problem, implementing the steps to make a change, and finally reflecting on the change effort.

People implement change in many areas of their life, but the adoption of new ideas or technologies is what advances society and humans as a whole. This is why my passion for understanding how people go through change is valuable and important.

Welcome to my website, my name is Stacey and I am intrigued with change! I created this website to showcase my experiences, career endeavors, and my personal interests. But most of all, I use this site as a place to reflect on all things agriculture. I enjoy studying family dynamics, decision-making, organizational and technological change, and the adoption of new ideas or innovations on the farm.

Latest Adventures

  • Using Data to Make Farm Management Decisions. Who should be reviewing the data?
    Farmers make decisions every day, and each one has a price. Monetary or not. Small decisions and big decisions. Decisions that cost $5 and decisions that cost $500,000. So how do farmers consider each factor that goes into making those decisions? They might base their 
  • Mindset. What is it and how does it assist farmers in transitioning to a new innovation.
    What is your definition of the word mindset? My interpretations: A position that your mind is set in. A state of being. A way of life that your behavior emulates. The reasoning behind why you behave in a specific way. In my experience, when a 
  • The Innovation-Decision Process
    There are many reasons why a farmer might feel the need to change up their management or farming practices. They might have identified a problem and want to figure out how to fix it. Or they might have seen a new way of doing something, 
  • The Four Winds, Kristin Hannah
    This story is ultimately about love. Love for your land and tending to something greater than yourself during your lifetime. Love for others, and the family you grow into over the years. Love for standing up for what you believe in, and the struggle that comes with that passion.