

I believe that the experiences a person has, are what allow for growth and development. Throughout my experiences, I have developed self-determination, work ethic, and tenacity.  Read more about the experiences that have helped mold me into a well-versed educator.

Extension Education

I have experience working with the Washington State University Cooperative Extension service and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. I enjoy the connection between the public, education, improving the lives of the next generation. 

In 2013, I received a grant to assist in funding my internship at WSU Extension Service. There I was trained on food preservation and canning methods, and then extend the research-based knowledge to the public in Adams and Lincoln counties. I attended area farmers markets and county fairs, to disseminate proper food presentation practices.

During my time as a graduate assistant at Texas A&M University, I worked directly with the AgriLife Extension Organizational Development team. This team worked to train new extension agents and provide continuing education to assist them in providing for the public. In particular, developed educational blog posts and podcasts exploring adult education theories and how to incorporate infographics in extension programming.

Extension Projects

At AgriLife Extension, I also focused on developing a revised model to assist extension agents in identifying community issues, developing and executing a program to mitigate the issue, and proper ways to evaluate the program efforts.

2019 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension [report] – Program Change Model: A Process to Promote Change

In an effort to better assist AgriLife Extension agents in proving effective learning programs, I developed a state-wide survey to gather information on Texan’s learning styles.

2019 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension [presentation] – Texas State-wide Survey of Learning Styles for and Awareness of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Programming

2015 Texas A&M University – ALEC 631 [course material] – Progress to No-Till: Your Guide to a Smooth Transition

Public Education

While working at the Lincoln County Conservation District in Washington, as the Communications Coordinator, I gained experience working with landowners and the public. I worked to educate landowners about cost-share opportunities, conservation tips, and programs available to help them conserve their land.

I have contributed to the following projects: develop educational fliers about available conservation programs, promote an online presence by creating a WordPress website and social media accounts, host open public meetings with minutes, apply for and carry out grants to provide conservation opportunities for the community, and assist the Natural Resources Conservation Service with their tasks to provide financial assistance to landowners.

Classroom Education

I gained extensive experience in undergraduate instruction. I have the ability to create content and deliver it in engaging and educational ways. I have taught classes in-person and online through Blackboard, a course learning management system and delivery platform. I have taught the following courses:

  • Agriculture Teacher Preparation                                                     
  • Introduction to ALEC                                                                         
  • Extension Program Development and Education                            
  • Design for Agriculture Media                                                           
  • Agriculture Extension Phil. & Missn.                                                
  • Agriculture Publication Production                                                   
  • Agriculture Media Writing I                                                              
  • Emerging Media in Agriculture                                                         
  • Agricultural Photography                                                                  
  • Theo & Prac of Ag. Publication, Web                                           
  • Journalism Concepts in Agriculture, Web          
Classroom Teaching Examples

In the Summer of 2020, while working for the Borderlands Research Institute, I taught an online class, Outreach and Social Media. This class was designed to provide an overview of outreach practices, including understanding your brand, identifying your audience, and how to create and manage social media messages. Check out a few examples from the course below.

NRM 5323 Syllabus
Assignment 1

During the Summer of 2018 at Texas A&M University, I taught the class, Extension Program Development and Education. This class focused on identifying an issue in your community, developing an educational program to mitigate the issue, and how to execute the program. Check out a few examples below.

Lesson Plan Schedule
Issue Description worksheet
Audience Identification worksheet

As part of a graduate-level course learning how to teach online courses, I produced an assignment showcasing my ability to put together an online course. The example course I taught was, “How to can Jams and Jellies”. Check out some of the materials I designed.

Jams & jellies course
How to can jams and Jellies – Step by step
Course Evaluation